Letter writer disturbed by abortion support | Letters to the Editor | thebrunswicknews.com – Brunswick News

After reading several abortion-supporting letters, I needed to respond to their deeply disturbing lack of care for human life. They are advancing the culture of death. Very sad people support killing of innocent unborn babies in what should be their safest haven their mothers womb. Their arguments are illogical. Each child has unique, individual, unrepeatable DNA. When that child is killed in abortion, the unique human being can never be replicated. Sad. All for the right to choose. Right to choose what? Women should have choices in living their lives. But some choices are wrong like choosing to intentionally kill an innocent human being. Ive heard many say a womans life is ruined if pregnancies are sustained. In other words, kill a baby due to inconvenience.

Why is society choosing to devalue human life so callously and casually? It is not just a clump of cells. Embryology and science have proven this wrong, but pro-death activists spout this lie. A clump of cells doesnt have a heartbeat three weeks from conception. A local protester said he doesnt support killing babies. If you vote for politicians championing this evil against innocent children, then you support murder of the unborn. You cannot hide the truth. The abortion lobby uses verbal engineering, seeking to hide that truth. The left supports abortions up until birth. Voting for these radicals poses a threat to every new and existing human life.

Stop the madness and immorality. Vote pro-life. Babies lives depend on it!

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Letter writer disturbed by abortion support | Letters to the Editor | thebrunswicknews.com - Brunswick News

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