Cardiologist shares his long journey from Libya to United States – Cardiovascular Business

Almanfi found himself starting from scratch upon arrival in the United States. The U.S. medical system is notoriously rigorous and closed, requiring foreign-trained physicians to undergo a comprehensive evaluation and certification process. This involved passing standardized exams such as the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) steps, followed by applying for residency through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).

For Almanfi, this journey encompassed nearly a decade of dedicated effort, including three years of internal medicine residency and additional training in cardiology and interventional cardiology. The process demanded resilience and persistence, as foreign-trained physicians often encounter bureaucratic roadblocks and lengthy timelines in obtaining licensure and certification to practice medicine in the U.S. The requirement to meet the U.S certifications can be a significant deterrent for individuals who have already established careers in their home countries or seek expedited pathways to practice medicine in the U.S.

"I think if someone has a goal in mind and has determination to do this, maybe they can go through the process. I know it's painful, it can be long, but it can get you to your dream and get you to have a job and have a living and even become a U.S. citizen. That's probably the longest way and probably the official way," Almanfi said.

Almanfi suggests exploring alternative avenues for skill development, such as attending conferences, participating in hands-on training programs and leveraging online resources and simulators to enhance clinical proficiency.

Almanfi's own experiences underscore the significance of networking and utilizing social media platforms as valuable tools for professional advancement. As a social media ambassador for prestigious medical conferences, he has leveraged digital platforms to connect with colleagues worldwide, share insights, and collaborate on educational initiatives. Social media serves as a gateway for international physicians to engage with the global medical community, facilitating knowledge exchange, networking opportunities, and professional development.

"I think social media has became a central part of almost everything in our life nowadays. Not only in politics but also in medicine. I have been doing this for 10 years, which I think has impacted my career. And so I became more involved with physicians not only within the United States, but also outside the United States. Social media, it became like a window for the people there to look at the outside world. And so if you're traveling to the United States, you could see everything through social media, especially if you are connected with people or organizations that have a presence on social media," Almanfi explained.

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Cardiologist shares his long journey from Libya to United States - Cardiovascular Business

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