A safe place where biochemistry is valued – ASBMB Today

I earned my B.S. and Ph.D. from Peking University, China, and received postdoctoral training at Yale University. I am now an assistant professor in the biochemistry and structural biology department at the Greehey Childrens Cancer Research Institute at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

Xuemei Song

Weixing Zhao enjoys the cultural richness and great Tex-Mex food in San Antonio.

Breast cancer genes 1 and2, known as BRAC1/2, produceproteinsthat help repair damaged DNA, and it is well known that mutations in these genes can lead to cancer. My laboratory purifies full-length BRCA1/2 complexes and reconstitutes their biochemical reactions to investigate the BRCA1/2 tumor suppressor networks in related biological processes and the molecular mechanisms underlying their pathogenic mutations. We aim to provide the foundation and impetus for developing new therapeutic regimens.

Four years ago, I decided to relocate to San Antonio to kickstart my career, a choice heavily influenced by the collegial atmosphere at UTHSCSA. What stood out most was the administration's genuine appreciation for foundational biochemical studies.

San Antonio has been a joy to live in, with its seamless mix of tradition and modernity. The city boasts a rich heritage influenced by Mexican, Spanish and

Native American cultures, not to mention its delectable food. I particularly love the authentic Tex-Mex dishes, the vibrant markets of El Mercado and the tranquil strolls along the River Walk. San Antonio is a truly enchanting place. Most importantly, its friendly vibe and affordable cost of living make me feel secure and confident in raising a family here.

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A safe place where biochemistry is valued - ASBMB Today

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