Category Archives: Pharmacy

Walgreen’s Pharmacy

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See the original post here:
Walgreen's Pharmacy

Pharmacy robberies worry city

Thieves helping themselves to drugs, money

January 14, 2014 12:00 AM

STOCKTON - Police have been stymied by a series of robberies and burglaries of Stockton pharmacies, including several armed takeovers during which employees and customers are ordered to the ground and the robbers jumped over counters, stealing drugs and cash.

At least seven incidents at five different pharmacies dating back to May 20 have occurred, including five in the past two months, but Stockton police have little evidence to follow up on.

"Our investigators don't have any solvable leads, so right now they're hoping someone will have information regarding one or more of these robberies and burglaries to lead them to a good arrest," police spokesman Officer Joe Silva said Monday.

All the reported incidents have taken place in locally owned pharmacies, not any of the major chain stores, and no one has been reported injured.

One of the primary targets of the robbers has been promethazine with codeine, a syrup that commands a street price of anywhere from $200 to $1,200 a pint, according to law enforcement authorities.

When used for its intended medical purposes, prescription promethazine with codeine treats cold or allergy symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing and cough, according to The codeine is a narcotic intended for pain relief and suppressing coughs.

On the street, Promethazine is the primary ingredient in Purple Drank, a concoction that involves mixing the syrup with Sprite or Mountain Dew, then adding ice and Jolly Rancher candies to add color and flavor.

Read the original here:
Pharmacy robberies worry city

Drug Information | Pharmacy | Walgreens

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Walgreen’s Pharmacy

Florida woman tricked into taking abortion drug sues pharmacy

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Florida woman tricked into taking abortion drug sues pharmacy

Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Grants More Than Half A Million Certifications

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Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Grants More Than Half A Million Certifications

Pharmacy thieves take off with $50k in pain killers

School ices girl's broken arm with ice cream sandwiches School ices girl's broken arm with ice cream sandwiches

Updated: Friday, September 20 2013 11:29 PM EDT2013-09-21 03:29:35 GMT

Shatia Hill says her daughter broke her arm while playing on the playground at Webber Media Arts Academy in Pontiac, yet school officials never called 911 and could only ice her injury with ice cream sandwiches.

Shatia Hill says her daughter broke her arm while playing on the playground at Webber Media Arts Academy in Pontiac, yet school officials never called 911 and could only ice her injury with ice cream sandwiches.

Updated: Friday, September 20 2013 10:59 PM EDT2013-09-21 02:59:26 GMT

A Warren family catches a suspect walking up to the house, taking a bike and riding away on their home security footage.

A Warren family catches a suspect walking up to the house, taking a bike and riding away on their home security camera.

Updated: Friday, September 20 2013 10:24 PM EDT2013-09-21 02:24:02 GMT

A high school football coach and an athlete's family are going head-to-head placing blame after the athlete suffered severe injuries then continued to play in a game last week.

A high school football coach and an athlete's family are going head-to-head placing blame after the athlete suffered severe injuries then continued to play in a game last week.

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Pharmacy thieves take off with $50k in pain killers

Thieves swipe $50K in prescription drugs from Independence Twp. pharmacy

From $513,995

4 Bedrooms 3 Full Baths 1 Half Baths 3554 Sq. Ft.

Toll Brothers

Century Oaks

P (248) 693-5050

The duke provides a grand setting for cooking and entertaining, featuring a spacious kitchen designed with the chef in mind.. and after a night hosting friends and family, this home offers luxurious respite in its master bedroom, which includes a private den and a dedicated dressing area. once you enter through the two-story foyer, which is flanked on one side by a living room and on the other by a dining room, this gracious floorplan leads you to an expansive family room with a fireplace. adjacent to the family room, a private study can be used as an extra bedroom. upstairs, the lush master bedroom suite includes a spacious master den and an indulgent master bath with a cathedral ceiling, a roman tub, a separate shower, and a private dressing area.

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Thieves swipe $50K in prescription drugs from Independence Twp. pharmacy